Paul Forgy 949-378-9836 portfolio: http://www.paulforgy.com e-mail: paul@paulforgy.com
3d artist position in a quality oriented environment.
Summary of skills:
Over two decades experience as a software developer specializing in technical art. Strong 3D modeling and texturing skills with a focus on
quality, detail and efficiency. Proven ability to develop and manage pipelines, tools, complex 3D environments and assets on schedule.
3D Studio Max, Photoshop, Substance Painter, After Effects, Resolve, Illustrator, Perforce, Unreal Engine, CryEngine
May 2019 - Oct 2021
Sr. Technical Artist
Visual Concepts Foothill Ranch, CA
- As the project technical artist, I designed and developed several pipelines and
workflows from the ground up, for an unannounced open world driving game utilizing Unreal Engine.
- Created a novel asset creation pipeline and supporting tool chain to produce highly
optimized, IP specific assets efficiently. The tools and pipeline reduced labor hours by a factor of 40-60x, texture memory by 100-200x. The resulting labor cost savings likely to exceed $.75M over
contemporary, traditional methods.
- Designed numerous automated performance systems including: hidden face removal, LOD generation, LOD swap and culling distance calculations, large scale
instanced geometry and lighting systems.
- Designed and documented art outsource procedures and performed QA oversight for over a thousand assets. Performed usage frequency based analysis to
determine asset production priorities.
- Designed multi-platform, variable/dynamic fidelity and optimization schemes spanning several asset classes.
- Made significant contributions to the art production of ubiquitous components, buildings, shaders/materials and characters. Performed periodic asset
auditing and performance profiling on multiple platforms.
- Trained artists on pipelines, tool usage, efficient art production, visual quality, best performance practices and techniques.
Nov 2017 - May 2019
Multimedia Artist
Exponent Irvine, CA
- Engineering and scientific visualization utilizing a wide range of media including: 3d modeling, rendering, animation, illustration, point clouds, video and photo editing.
- Work with engineers and scientists to convey, analyze and demonstrate concepts visually in a compelling way.
Mar 2016 - Mar 2017
Sr. 3D Artist
Obsidian Entertainment Irvine, CA
- Model and texture high-fidelity vehicles for Armored Warfare.
- Developed custom shader for Substance Painter to emulate complex, in game dynamic paint system.
- Mentoring Jr. artists.
Oct 2014 - Sept 2015
Sr. 3D Artist
Cloud Imperium Games Santa Monica, CA
- Model, design and texture high-fidelity spaceships, weapons and components for Star Citizen.
- Extensive use of CryEngine's physically based materials and rendering.
- Design and create scripts, tools, and workflows to speed production and improve quality company-wide.
- Mentoring Jr. artists.
June 2014 - July 2014
Technical Artist
Halon Entertainment Santa Monica, CA
- Short project as Technical Artist working on the intro cinematic for Turtle Rock Studios title: Evolve.
- Supported a team of Maya animators working in 3ds Max.
- Wrote custom scripts and tools to facilitate fast-turn, iterative cinematic
workflow, including custom exporters and specialized animation tools.
Sept 2008 - Feb 2013
Lead Vehicle Artist Contract/Specular, Inc. Foothill Ranch, CA
- Created extremely detailed and efficient vehicle assets utilizing extensive render-to-texture technique.
- Delivered assets on-time, every time, with no sacrifice of quality.
- Worked with programmers to test and debug new rendering engine and supporting art asset pipe-line.
- Developed vehicle design standards and documentation including fully articulated vehicle suspension rigs.
- Designed fully dynamic mud and dust shader for vehicles, and collaborated on the
racing surface creation pipeline and supporting shaders.
- Developed UV mapping script and tread-marks texture used for each racing environment.
Sept 2006 - Sept 2008
Sr. Technical Artist Clairvoyant Systems, Inc. Long Beach, CA
- Responsible for recreating real world racing surfaces with extreme positional and visual accuracy.
- Developed complete track creation pipeline including: survey, data import, surface
creation, UV mapping and custom Max script tools suite.
- Devised comprehensive on-site race track survey procedure including centimeter
accurate positional data, comprehensive video and still photo reference coverage.
- Established companies 3D visual style and co-developed art pipeline and practices.
Feb 2004 - Sept 2006
Sr. Technical Artist Luxoflux/Treyarch/Activision Santa Monica, CA
- Created highly detailed vehicle assets for Call of Duty 3, utilizing normal and gloss texture maps for next-gen consoles.
- Responsible for developing and maintaining fx shaders for the COD3 vehicle team, utilizing in-house shader development tool.
- Responsible for creating detailed vehicle assets including modeling, texturing,
damage and rigging for True Crime: New York City.
2002 – Present
Artist/Programmer Contract/Various
- Developed executable software, animation pipeline and profiles for 4 post vehicle
hydraulic motion platform used for Toyota marketing events such as the 2006 NBA All-star Jam.
- Worked with a team to create a custom racing experience for Lexus, featuring the
GS430, which debuted at the 4th annual Night Before Academy Awards benefit.
- Architectural visualization: created fly-around and walk-through animations for several projects.
- Completed software development for Mega Jumpzone II attraction.
- Technical support and software upgrades for former Illusion and AeroNumerics customers.
2001 – 2002
3D Artist/Programmer Illusion, Inc. Van Nuys, CA
- Technical art lead for Mega Jumpzone II and Speedsports attractions.
- Designed 4-speed shifter for stockcar simulator, and electronics interface system.
1995 – 2001
Art Director/Programmer AeroNumerics, Inc. Irvine, CA
- Responsible for all company artwork, including: software development, brochures and web sites.
- Independently created 3d environments and assets for racing simulation software, including nine racetracks.
- Programmed 3D race track generation tool and numerous racing simulation and support components.
- Helped develop Direct X image generator API.
- Technical art lead for Eagle Interactive's debut PC game title: Sabre Ace (Virgin, 1997).
- Programming for Eagle's Luftwaffe Commander (SSI, 1999), as well as location based
software for Aviation Challenge—a division of Space Camps.
- Designed numerous electromechanical and sheet metal components for simulation.
- Racecar simulator integration and on-site installations.
1992 – 1995 3D Artist/Programmer
Fightertown, Inc. Lake Forest, CA
- Responsible for extensive flight simulation 3D database.
- Created 3D models for flight simulation, utilizing binary separation planes.
- Programmed numerous aircraft simulation and support components.
- Aircraft simulator integration and on-site installations.
References available upon request.