Here, I hope you will have an opportunity to learn about my skills and experience, and see a sampling of my work. You can view my resume.
I have been working as a software developer for over two decades. As a technical artist, I draw upon my experience as both 3D artist and programmer. I am interested in a wide range of applications for computer graphics,
including real-time games and simulation, as well as architectural and design visualization.
As a developer with an extensive background in games and simulation, I have an excellent grasp of real-time software. I am able to problem solve and negotiate the limitations of 3D hardware and the art-asset creation process. I also have
experience with, and an affinity for, mechanical and industrial design, and the associated challenges.
Most of my portfolio pieces are derived from production work, created independently by me, unless otherwise credited. Some of the pieces date back
over a decade, and reflect the time period in which they were created. I hope you enjoy them.